Category: Oracle Cloud

How to Power Up or Power Down multiple instances in OCI using CLI with Ansible

 This assume you have already configured the OCI cli and added your key to the user inside the OCI interface so your Ubuntu or Jump box can connect to your OCI infrastructure
 Role to control power up/down instances using the OCI CLI
 This assume you already have ansible setup
 You will need to install the ansible oci collections


Now the reason why you would probably want this is over terraform is because terraform is more suited for infrastructure orchestration and not really suited to deal with the instances once they are up and running.

If you have scaled servers out in OCI powering servers up and down in bulk currently is not available. If you are doing a migration or using a staging environment that you need need to use the machine when building or doing troubleshooting.

Then having a way to power up/down multiple machines at once is convenient.


Install the OCI collections if you don’t have it already.


curl -L | bash -s — —verbose


ansible-galaxy collection list – Will list the collections installed

# /path/to/ansible/collections

Collection Version

——————- ——- 1.4.0

ansible.builtin 1.3.0

ansible.posix 1.3.0

oracle.oci 2.10.0


Once you have it installed you need to test the OCI client is working

oci iam compartment list –all (this will list out the compartment ID list for your instances.

Compartments in OCI are a way to organise infrastructure and control access to those resources. This is great for if you have contractors coming and you only want them to have access to certain things not everything.

Now there are two ways you can your instance names.

 One logging in via the OCI interface and going the correct compartment, which is very slow and mind numbing to wait for.
 Or you can use automated approaches which is what you should be doing with everything you do that needs to be done over and over.


Bash Script to get the instances names from OCI

 This will use the OCI CLI and provide all instances name and ips
 It loops through each availability domain.
 for each availability domain, it lists the instance IDs and writes them to instance_ids.txt.
 It cleans up the instance_ids.txt file to remove brackets, quotes, and commas.
 It reads each instance ID from instance_ids.txt.
 For each instance, it retrieves the VNIC information.
 It extracts the display name, public IP, and private IP, and prints them.
 The script ends the loop and moves to the next availability domain.

compartment_id=ocid1.compartment.oc1..insert compartment ID here


# Explicitly define the availability domains based on your provided data

availability_domains=(“zcLB:US-CHICAGO-1-AD-1” “zcLB:US-CHICAGO-1-AD-2” “zcLB:US-CHICAGO-1-AD-3”)


# For each availability domain, list the instances

for ad in “${availability_domains[@]}”; do


    # List instances within the specific AD and compartment, extracting the “id” field

    oci compute instance list –compartment-id $compartment_id –availability-domain $ad –query data[].id” –raw-output > instance_ids.txt


    # Clean up the instance IDs (removing brackets, quotes, etc.)

    sed i ‘s/\[//g’ instance_ids.txt

    sed i ‘s/\]//g’ instance_ids.txt

    sed i ‘s/”//g’ instance_ids.txt

    sed i ‘s/,//g’ instance_ids.txt


    # Read each instance ID from instance_ids.txt

    while read -r instance_id; do

        # Get instance VNIC information

        instance_info=$(oci compute instance list-vnics –instance-id $instance_id)


        # Extract the required fields and print them

        display_name=$(echo $instance_info | jq -r ‘.data[0].”display-name”‘)

        public_ip=$(echo $instance_info | jq -r ‘.data[0].”public-ip“‘)

        private_ip=$(echo $instance_info | jq -r ‘.data[0].”private-ip“‘)


        echo “Availability Domain: $ad

        echo “Display Name: $display_name

        echo “Public IP: $public_ip

        echo “Private IP: $private_ip

        echo “—————————————–“

    done < instance_ids.txt



The output of the script when piped in to a file will look like


Availability Domain: zcLB:US-CHICAGO-1-AD-1

Display Name: Instance1

Public IP:

Private IP:


Availability Domain: zcLB:US-CHICAGO-1-AD-1

Display Name: Instance2

Public IP:

Private IP:




You can now grep this file for the name of the servers you want to power on or off quickly

 grep instance.names | grep <Instance*>


Now we have an ansible playbook that can power on or power off the instance by name provided by the OCI client

Ansible playbook to power on or off multiple instances via OCI CLI

name: Control OCI Instance Power State based on Instance Names

  hosts: localhost




      # Add more instance names here if you wish to stop them…



      # List the instance names you wish to start here…

      # Example:




   name: Fetch all instance details in the compartment


      cmd: oci compute instance list –compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaak7jc7tn2su2oqzmrbujpr5wmnuucj4mwj4o4g7rqlzemy4yvxrza –output json

    register: oci_output



      instances: {{ oci_output.stdout | from_json }}”


   name: Extract relevant information


      clean_instances: {{ clean_instances | default([]) + [{ ‘name’: item[‘display-name’], ‘id’:, ‘state’: item[‘lifecycle-state’] }] }}”

    loop: {{ }}”

    when: “‘display-name’ in item and ‘id’ in item and ‘lifecycle-state’ in item”


   name: Filter out instances to stop


      instances_to_stop: {{ instances_to_stop | default([]) + [item] }}”

    loop: {{ clean_instances }}”

    when: “ in instance_names_to_stop and item.state == ‘RUNNING'”


   name: Filter out instances to start


      instances_to_start: {{ instances_to_start | default([]) + [item] }}”

    loop: {{ clean_instances }}”

    when: “ in instance_names_to_start and item.state == ‘STOPPED'”


   name: Filter out instances to stop


      instances_to_stop: {{ clean_instances | selectattr(‘name’, ‘in’, instance_names_to_stop) | selectattr(‘state’, ‘equalto‘, ‘RUNNING’) | list }}”


   name: Filter out instances to start


      instances_to_start: {{ clean_instances | selectattr(‘name’, ‘in’, instance_names_to_start) | selectattr(‘state’, ‘equalto‘, ‘STOPPED’) | list }}”


   name: Display instances to stop (you can remove this debug task later)


      var: instances_to_stop


   name: Display instances to start (you can remove this debug task later)


      var: instances_to_start


   name: Power off instances


      cmd: oci compute instance action —action STOP –instance-id {{ }}”

    loop: {{ instances_to_stop }}”

    when: instances_to_stop | length > 0

    register: state


#  – debug:

#      var: state


   name: Power on instances


      cmd: oci compute instance action —action START –instance-id {{ }}”

    loop: {{ instances_to_start }}”

    when: instances_to_start | length > 0


The output will look like

PLAY [Control OCI Instance Power State based on Instance Names] **********************************************************************************


TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************************************

ok: [localhost]


TASK [Fetch all instance details in the compartment] *********************************************************************************************

changed: [localhost]


TASK [Parse the OCI CLI output] ******************************************************************************************************************

ok: [localhost]


TASK [Extract relevant information] **************************************************************************************************************

ok: [localhost] => (item={‘display-name’: ‘Instance1’, ‘id’: ‘ocid1.instance.oc1..exampleuniqueID1’, ‘lifecycle-state’: ‘STOPPED’})

ok: [localhost] => (item={‘display-name’: ‘Instance2’, ‘id’: ‘ocid1.instance.oc1..exampleuniqueID2’, ‘lifecycle-state’: ‘RUNNING’})


TASK [Filter out instances to stop] **************************************************************************************************************

ok: [localhost]


TASK [Filter out instances to start] *************************************************************************************************************

ok: [localhost]


TASK [Display instances to stop (you can remove this debug task later)] **************************************************************************

ok: [localhost] => {

    instances_to_stop: [


            “name”: “Instance2”,

            “id”: ocid1.instance.oc1..exampleuniqueID2″,

            “state”: RUNNING”





TASK [Display instances to start (you can remove this debug task later)] *************************************************************************

ok: [localhost] => {

    instances_to_start: [


            “name”: “Instance1”,

            “id”: ocid1.instance.oc1..exampleuniqueID1″,

            “state”: STOPPED”





TASK [Power off instances] ***********************************************************************************************************************

changed: [localhost] => (item={‘name’: ‘Instance2’, ‘id’: ‘ocid1.instance.oc1..exampleuniqueID2’, ‘state’: ‘RUNNING’})


TASK [Power on instances] ************************************************************************************************************************

changed: [localhost] => (item={‘name’: ‘Instance1’, ‘id’: ‘ocid1.instance.oc1..exampleuniqueID1’, ‘state’: ‘STOPPED’})


PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************

localhost                  : ok=9    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

