Key Components for Setting Up an HPC Cluster

Head Node (Controller)

 Manages job scheduling and resource allocation.
 Runs Slurm Controller Daemon (`slurmctld`).

Compute Nodes

 Execute computational tasks.
 Run Slurm Node Daemon (`slurmd`).
 Configured for CPUs, GPUs, or specialized hardware.


 High-speed interconnect like Infiniband or Ethernet.
 Ensures fast communication between nodes.


 Centralized storage like NFS, Lustre, or BeeGFS.
 Provides shared file access for all nodes.


 Use Munge for secure communication between Slurm components.


 Slurm for job scheduling and resource management.
 Configured with partitions and node definitions.

Resource Management

 Use cgroups to control CPU, memory, and GPU usage.
 Optional: ProctrackType=cgroup in Slurm.

Parallel File System (Optional)

 High-performance shared storage for parallel workloads.
 Examples: Lustre, GPFS.

Interconnect Libraries

 MPI (Message Passing Interface) for distributed computing.
 Install libraries like OpenMPI or MPICH.

Monitoring and Debugging Tools

 Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Ganglia for resource monitoring.
 Enable verbose logging in Slurm for debugging.

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